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Selasa, 29 Januari 2008

How Do You Go to Purworejo ….? ( from Jakarta )

This article is intended as a guidance to those who rarely or in first time visiting Purworejo City From Jakarta, many transport methods linked to Purworejo Regency.

By Train
Ticket is available in business and economic class which scheduled twice a day , every morning and every evening . Sawunggalih Utama ( Kutoarjo home based train ) and Taksaka (Yogyakarta home based train ) leaving from Gambir Station for business tickets , while economic ones departed thru Pasar Senen Station .Peak season usually when school holiday on July and Idhul Fitri holiday. Please be careful about seat availability when your travel plan is on that time.

After taking about 8 hour-beautiful journey , you must get off at Kutoarjo Station the main train station in the district. Kutoarjo welcomes you visiting other sub-districts such as : Purworejo , Bayan , Kemiri , Grabag , Pituruh , Bruno , Butuh , Ngombol , Gebang , Bener , Banyuurip , Bagelen , Kaligesing ,Purwodadi , Loano , etc.

By Bus
You can take one of carrier which leaving for Yogyakarta, Solo , Magelang etc. But it needs more information must be drilled down if you are not familiar with trans –java road. Java has two main routes that are North Route and South Route in other side. Understand the difference before taking above method

For a simply method use a-Kutoarjo home based bus operator. P.O. Sumber Alam is an example. Their fleet departed thru Lebak Bulus, Cimone , Pulo Gadung , Kranji Bekasi , Ciawi Bogor. Please take a nearest distance from where you are. They offer either business or economic class tickets.

If you prefer like taking a night travel to a day , let the driver or co-driver to notice you whenever vehicle hits Kutoarjo in case you fall in asleep. Then you should get preparation because no more than fifteen minutes the vehicle will be parked at Purworejo bus station. Please speed up your getting-off , the bus stopped for about thirty minutes before leaving to Yogyakarta as a final destination. Now you can say “ Hello Purworejo..I am coming. Next, city transports will run you to a specific area you want to visit

By Driving a Car
This method possible you to organize time as you need. If driven by yourself please prepare a map, read more about last traffic situation. Avoid stopping at un-inhabited area or unusual for it. Suggested taking a rest at restaurant, fuel station, police post that easily found at a long the way of Jakarta - Purworejo. Fully pay attention on driving may be you will find yourroad crossed by rail way with insufficient protection.

But , it will be an advantage if you have a trusted-driver . Rental car company experience about this business , ask them to explain a safest trip to you .Slow down your speed whenever your eyes catch notes on banner “ Dawet Butuh “. It tells that you are entering to west bank boundaries of Purworejo District.Keep smiling because Purworejo’s starts to smile to you…..enjoy your ride…..

By Plane
Fastest trip method certainly . It is enable you have breakfast in Cilandak , Meruya, Sunter , Kampung Melayu etc then have lunch in Purworejo. Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air, Adam Air are example of flight operators that reserve shuttle flight Jakarta – Yogyakarta. Travel agent will be pleasure to lend their hands when you need more detail of flight information. Forty five minutes fly , stewardess will alert you to tighten seat belt for landing at Adi Sucipto Airport of Yogyakarta . Just need on foot to arrival terminal while porter un-load your baggage from the craft. If no relation take you , immediately have a taxi for ninety minutes trip to west. Yes , Purworejo is 67 kms to west from Yogyakarta Never lost in sight of amazing panoramic view , whether padi or palawija planting at both side of the way. Finally Bagelen sub-district lets your entry without password to District of Purworejo.

By Sea.
Strange in ear have a trip by sea to this area . Nearest harbour is Tanjung Mas of Semarang which takes at least four hours by land to Purworejo. In fact the district has harbour in Ketawang beach called Pasir Puncu Harbour, but so far no commercial shipment sail there Have you ever watched parody film of Robin Hood entitled “ Men in tight “ ……?

He was back to UK from Middle East by swimming across the sea. I extremely not recommend you swimming across the sea from Tanjung Priok Harbour in Jakrata to Pasir Puncu Harbour. Otherwise you are well-trained for it .

Visit Purworejo 2008 , see you there

8 komentar:

  1. Blogger Indro Saswanto said...

    Dik saya kemarin posting komen ke artikel anda yg pakai bahasa kAligeSING sana. Tapi kok gak bisa masuk ya. juga yang. gaptek itu. Gak papa lah dik itu stefani kalo di wingko juga.pasti gaptek bisa2 rinsonya dimasukkan bak mandi. ☺

    January 29, 2008 6:25 PM

  2. ah,aku seneng,jebul ada blog kusus tjah pordjo.lha kok aku telet ngertine.tp ini terkordinir ya om?eh,salam buat temen2 alumni smp 2 pordjo angkt 96,trus temen2 asistensi yg sama2 pernah di jemur dilapngan basket tiap minggu hehehehehe......

  3. ah,aku seneng,jebul ada blog kusus tjah pordjo.lha kok aku telet ngertine.tp ini terkordinir ya om?eh,salam buat temen2 alumni smp 2 pordjo angkt 96,trus temen2 asistensi yg sama2 pernah di jemur dilapngan basket tiap minggu hehehehehe......

    2008 Mei 26 01:18

  4. Dukung perjuangan kami!!
    Saya Manda (Rizki Primanda Putri) asli Purworejo (mranti). Skrg Kul di Psikologi UGM, sy sedang memperjuangkan Curug Muncar (di Bruno)agar bisa dibuka mnjadi kwsn Ekowisata bersama tim KKN tematik kami. Kami akan terjun ke lapangan pd per. Juli-Agustus 08, kami mohon bantuan, dukungan, serta partisipasi keluarga Purworejo semua agar program tersebut terlaksana dengan maksimal. Mari bersama memajukan Potensi Wisata Purworejo kita! Semangaat!
    Info selengkapnya hub sy di
    08192527147, atau
    via e-mail di

  5. Maaf ada revisi ttng coment saya, nomer hp yg bener 08192527149 (yg tadi salah ketik), tp alamat emailnya bener kok..
    Oya sejauh apa progress kami dapat dilihat di milis kami kknpurworejougm08@yahoo.com
    Muhon dukungannya..

  6. Untuk mbak Primanda,

    Kami mendudung usaha anda dan teman-teman untuk menjadikan curug muncar di bruno sebagai obyek ekowisata. Tapi dukungan kami tentu dalam kapasitas kami sebagai komunitas maya, blog, melalui komentar dan postingan.

    Karena itu, alangkah baiknya, kalau mbak primanda, menulis sebuah artikel tentang curug muncar plus foto-foto nya. Untuk bisa memposting artikel anda harus jadi member, atau kirim saja bahannya ke satvica77@yahoo.com, nanti kami yang memposting.

    begitu mbak, Kami mendukung setiap usaha memajukan Purworejo dan mengenalkan ke dunia luar.

  7. Terimakasih ^_^ Manda ucapkan atas tanggapan dan dukungan yang telah diberikan, sesegera mungkin akan kami kirimkan artikel tentang Curug Muncar beserta foto-fotonya..
    Harapan saya semoga ini bisa menjadi langkah awal untuk memperkenalkan Curug Muncar sebagai salah satu potensi wisata di Purworejo.

  8. Mbak Prima & team ,

    Tema yang diambil untuk memperkenalkan Curug Muncar sebagai obyek ekowisata , sangat tepat .

    Mengingat saat ini di wilayah BERIRAMA ( kalau boleh dibandingkan dengan tetangga sebelah ) untuk obyek wisata yang terkoordinasi dengan baik sangatlah minim.

    Ada baiknya karena ini masih pilot project , jika berkenan anda & team juga sharing di blog ini tentang proses ( step by step yang dilakukan ) proyek ini . Hal ini menjadi penting karena nantinya bisa direplika pada obyek obyek wisata lain yang masih banyak dan belum tersentuh tangan profesional seperti anda

    Selamat , Sukses and ..visit Purworejo 2008 !!!



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